Senin, 22 April 2013


How can women become victims of violence? The fact that they are really be required !

A woman is able to do everything  same as the men,but there are some differences, that can woman do and the man not, women can give birth and breastfeeding, while the man can’t do that, one other thing, a lot of people said heaven under mothers feet not  under father feet, and a great man there is a woman behind him is always great, too, but why is it always women who are victims of violence.

Indonesian social reality shows that violence against women is still  happened in, households and the public, at all times and carried by many people with socio-cultural identities are diverse. On the other hand the reality of violence against women is not only done on an individual basis, but also by social institutions, economic, political and cultural. Violence against women by the international community has been seen as part of the violation of human rights. So there should be concrete actions to eliminate them.

No wonder the International Women's Day on March 8, 2009 a week ago in the annual records of the National Commission (Komnas) Women, the rate of violence against women increased by 213 percent, the number of cases compared to 54,425 the previous year.

Violence against women were 90 percent occurred in the home. The majority of victims of domestic violence in the economy is the wife, that some 6,800 people from 46 882 cases of violence against his wife, and the majority of victims of sexual violence are women under the age of as many as 469 people out of 1,870 cases of community. The number of victims of violence against women in Indonesia increased to 1421 in 2012 that in the previous year only 1381.Indonesia is in the lowest position in Asean in terms of gender. Data from the Gender Related Development Index (GDI) ranks Indonesia ranked 90th out of 177 countries. Compared to some Asean countries, Indonesia ranked lower ranks are ranked Singapore 28, Malaysia 52, Thailand 61, Philippines 66 and Vietnam 87.

Platform For Action and the Beijing Declaration states that violence against women is any act of gender-based violence, including threats, coercion or deprivation of the rights of freedom, which occur either within the household or family (private life), and in the society (public life ) which resulted in misery or suffering to women, physically, sexually and fsikologis (United Nations Depertement of Public Relations 1986) From this information we can conclude how difficult women find comfort in their lives.

Jumat, 05 April 2013



Internet world would have been familiar to the public, especially young people, everythings be easier, and so we always know about news update lately. Not only that the internet also allows us to connect with other people, made us have many friends not only in the country but also abroad, and allows us to reconnect with our old friends.

        But, do you know? if we dependency or always open internet it’s not good for healty especially for our eyes, because if our eyes always looking at computer screen will reduce our visibility and ultimately make us have to wear glasses.

There are several ways to reduce dependence on the internet. 

1.     Reduce little by little habits linger on the internet

2.    Change your habits to online

3.    Find information from around or from book before you search on the internet 

4.    Manage you routine schedule.

5.    Reduce internet access at home